“Good governance is the one-third of ESG that is easy to implement – and strategically essential for sustainable corporate success.”

“Good governance is the one-third of ESG that is easy to implement – and strategically essential for sustainable corporate success.”

At first glance, governance might seem like a bureaucratic necessity. In reality, it is a transformative tool to enhance agility, transparency and success in organisations. Good governance establishes clear structures and delivers measurable results in an efficient and sustainable manner, and with minimal effort. With my guidance, governance becomes a true strategic asset.

In my role as General Counsel, I have developed, structured, and implemented governance frameworks for diverse organisations – always with a pragmatic approach that focuses on what is truly necessary and achievable. Together, we will design bespoke solutions to provide your business with clarity and control. Where appropriate, these frameworks can later be scaled for more comprehensive governance structures.

With over 10 years of experience in governance consultancy, a diploma in governance from The Corporate Governance Institute, and certified as a supervisory and advisory board member (Steinbeis Augsburg Business School), I am able to combine practical expertise with academic rigour.

Good governance offers tangible benefits: it strengthens transparency, mitigates risks and lays a solid foundation for sustainable success. Whether integrating ESG goals, defining responsibilities, or optimising decision-making processes, I help make governance a strength for your organisation.